Welcome to the ultimate answer.


Forty-Two Interim Management Solutions offers executive solutions and portfolio capability to organisations requiring short- to medium-term management expertise. All of which is underpinned by an impeccable business background and supported by a professional team with years of diverse management experience between them.

Who needs us?

Constant shifts in the financial landscape and ever-improving technology mean more pressure on businesses, both large and small, to adapt... or die. Forty-Two Interim Management Solutions offers hands-on help to organisations that are:

arrow requiring management support, either for a particular project or on an interim basis
arrow experiencing trading difficulties and needing help to get back on track
arrow going through a period of growth or change
arrow needing business planning, including cash flow projections for banks or investors
arrow wanting to change business culture
arrow requiring strategic advice

Increasingly, organisations across both the private and public sectors recognise that seasoned Interim Managers are the ultimate low-risk, flexible management resource. It’s the perfect solution when an immediate injection of fresh business expertise is needed. Organisations in these situations cannot afford to wait the typical six-month period it takes to get a permanent senior executive on board. In contrast, Interim Managers can usually step in within 10 days of the need being identified.

Through effective services and unrivalled expertise, Forty-Two Interim Management Solutions helps strengthen an organisations’ management team with the aim of improving business performance. Our services are unique and can be adapted to create an innovative and bespoke solution for every client. What’s more, our services can be delivered to international branches and offices around the world through a global network of corporate partners.

Clients can expect effective levels of service from Forty-Two Interim Management Solutions as a result of our dedication to:

arrow Accountability
arrow Professionalism
arrow Absolute success for our client

Founders Andrew Rissik and Craig Gouws, together with their in-house team, associates and collaborators, offer a wealth of management experience... when you need it most.


According to
The Hitchhiker’s Guide
to the Galaxy
the answer
to the ultimate question of life,
the universe, and everything is




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